As part of my professional development, I try to alternate between the ACRL and FYE conferences. Both are always amazing, and this year I attended the First-Year Experience conference in Washington D. C. (held at the historic Wardman Park Marriott.) In addition to attending a great conference, I also had the opportunity to join Roz... more ›
I always enjoy NCLA, and this year I was extremely fortunate to participate in three sessions led by ZSR Librarians and I want to brag on those awesome librarians in this post! #SquadGoals: Creating and Sustaining a Library Instruction Community (Kyle, Kathy, Meghan, and Hu) Per our description in Sched, in this round table, we... more ›
I liked the format of Amanda’s blog post on ACRL 2019 so much that I’m going to use it here! I’ve made it to four of the last five ACRL conference (I skipped Portland to attend the First-Year Experience Conference) and every year I bring back a list of ideas to try at ZSR! Sometimes... more ›
A couple of weeks ago, several Z. Smith Reynolds Library faculty and staff had the opportunity to attend the WISE Conference held at the beautiful Benton Convention Center February 14-15, 2019 in downtown Winston-Salem. WISE is an acronym for “Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement Workshop” which is “the pioneering conference for faculty leaders, program coordinators,... more ›
On Friday, Oct 12th, I had the good fortune to attend and present at “The 2018 Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians” at Wake Downtown! In spite of the widespread power outages from Hurricane Michael, most of the presenters and attendees made it to this awesome conference! The keynote speaker, Patrick Sweeney, Political Director for EveryLibrary (@everylibrary) spoke... more ›
I (Carol) enjoyed meeting and reconnecting with colleagues from other libraries, including my carpool partner, Elizabeth Novicki. And I (Hu) had never attended the NC LIVE conference! It was great hanging out with Carol and Elizabeth, and learning more about NC LIVE ebooks, Summon, and podcasting in libraries! Hu at NC LIVE Rob Ross, Executive... more ›
While there have been 37 First-Year Experience Conferences, this is only my fourth. My first FYE conference was in 2008, and I try to attend this annual conference as often as possible! The focus on first-year students draws together faculty and staff from across the academy. While it’s great to hear presentations on library-related topics... more ›
NCLA was an awesome blur! I don’t have any great photos, but I did collaborate and celebrate, and I hope I innovated a bit in there somewhere too! As we all know, when a conference is local, it’s tough to devote yourself entirely, especially when it’s after Fall Break and there is the pull to... more ›
On Friday, October 20th, fresh off an amazing NCLA conference, ZSR teamed up with OLAS and the Intercultural Center to host our second ZSR en la Noche! West End Mambo performed from 7:30-10:30, and the members of OLAS brought in food from local restaurants. This was the second time ZSR and OLAS have teamed up... more ›
On Friday, September 29th, the ZSR Library hosted another Humans v Zombies (HvZ) event in ZSR! This was unlike our previous HvZ events in many ways! First, to facilitate completion of the awesome construction projects currently wrapping up in ZSR, we moved this first-year student event from the first Friday of the semester to the... more ›