Inside ZSR

Special Collections & Archives: An Update for the New Academic Year, 2023-2024

With the start of the new school year, I always like to provide an introduction to Special Collections & Archives operations so that ZSR will be better informed about our Team. Here is the update for 2023-2024! First, we frequently hear: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact... more

Denice at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) in 2023

I can honestly say that I did too much in the 2022 – 2023 academic year as I literally and figuratively limped into the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference in Baltimore. I flew in on Saturday, June 24th to get acclimated and shuffled out on Thursday, June 29th. As I tore the meniscus... more

Kate T at SAA

During the last week of July, I had the opportunity to attend the Society of American Archivists conference in Washington, DC. This was my first SAA, and it was exhilarating (and overwhelming) to attend an event with so many archivists at once. And although it was an extremely hot week and weekend, I was able... more

Chris, Colleen, and Denice at NCSU Libraries

On Wednesday, August 2, Chris, Colleen, and Denice took a summer road trip to tour the D.H. Hill, Jr. and James B. Hunt Libraries at North Carolina State University. Along with the William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine, Harrye B. Lyons Design Library, and Natural Resources Library, Hill and Hunt create iconic student... more

ALA 2023

ALA Annual 2023: yet another trip to Chicago without an attached visit to my hometown of Decatur, IL. Next time I swear I am going to stay an extra couple of days and rent a car. It’s been several years, which is too long, even if Decatur is what it is At “Finding a New... more

Reflections on NC LIVE’s Annual Conference

Reflections on NC LIVE’s Annual Conference On Friday, May 19, I had the pleasure of attending the highly anticipated NC LIVE Annual Conference held at A-B Tech Community College in Asheville. As the Chair of the Outreach Promotions and Partnership Advisory Committee (OPPAC) and a member of the Librarians’ Council, I had been deeply involved... more

Reflections on the American Library Association Conference in Chicago

Reflections on the American Library Association Conference in Chicago I recently had the opportunity to attend the American Library Association (ALA) Conference held in Chicago. This was my first time attending ALA in person and I was in awe of the platform that the conference provides for librarians, educators, authors, and information professionals to come... more

ZSR with AmeriCorps VISTA and Summer Associates

ZSR was invited to present to the AmeriCorps VISTA and Summer Associates on Friday, July 14. The WFU Office of Civic and Community Engagement is home to the AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) project where students partner with community organizations and make commitments as civil servants and change agents in Winston-Salem. Friday’s group... more

Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Meeting

  I recently had the opportunity to travel to Prince Edward Island (PEI) in Canada to attend the Association of Canadian Archivists Annual Meeting. It was a very intense 3-day schedule of programming and I attended sessions on indigenous community archives, oral histories, and linked data. I was most excited to hear two speakers from... more

Steve at ALA 2023

My experience at the 2023 ALA Conference in Chicago was good overall, despite a series of narrowly averted disasters including: receiving zero notification that my booking to Chicago had been changed to a flight 4 hours earlier, which I had missed (luckily, I was able to get a re-booked flight that got me in 4... more