From November 8th through November 10th I had the great pleasure of experiencing Beyond the Numbers (BTN), the annual conference hosted by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. This was my first Beyond the Numbers and I hope it won’t be my last – it was wonderful! The conference is... more ›
During our time on the Faculty Mentoring Committee, a common area of interest we receive from mentees are mentoring opportunities regarding writing and publishing. This has prompted the committee (Craig Fansler, Melde Rutledge and Summer Krstevska) to share about our writing experiences via newsletters, journals, books, and blogs and how they came about. We hope... more ›
As usual, some fine presentations at the Southeast Music Library Association’s annual meeting, which I attended virtually this year: EDI Colleagues at Vanderbilt described a collaborative venture with the National Museum of African American Music (also in Nashville TN). Vanderbilt’s Special Collections created a new fund for the purchase of African-American musicians’ papers and related... more ›
Back in 2020, the Digital Library Federation’s DLF Forum was scheduled to occur in Baltimore, MD. But unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual event was decided to take place online, along with its 2021 installment. At long last, the DLF 2022 Forum re-established the in-person format in the city where it was planned... more ›
Forgive my tardiness, it’s been so long since I’ve had to do one of these! In August I went to Boston for the Society of American Archivists Annual conference. Much like other group events, this was a ‘first time in two years’ for the organization and the majority, if not all, of it’s attendees. It... more ›
In early August, I spent a week as part of California Rare Book School’s course on Archives and Climate Change. The course was held virtually, on East coast time, with a break for lunch. I’ve never attended traditional rare book school, in California or elsewhere, so I don’t have a comparison, but I found the... more ›
In late July, Rodrigo attended Harvard University’s Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, an intensive 6-day leadership program offered by Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education (HGSE). The program, which was held at the Gutman Library, located near Harvard Square in Cambridge Massachusetts, focused on three areas of leadership: Planning, Organizational Strategy and Change, and Transformational... more ›
The last “hurrah” of my professional summer was to attend the Special Libraries Association’s (SLA) annual conference, which happened to be in-person (as well as virtual) in Charlotte this year, July 31st – August 2nd. I’m a relative newcomer to this conference and organization. I know several corporate and business/finance librarians who are very active... more ›
Last week we spent 16 hours on Zoom participating in the fourth Evidence Synthesis Institute cohort. The Evidence Synthesis Institute is aimed at library staff supporting evidence syntheses outside of the health sciences and is fully funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. There is no charge for accepted applicants. The institute’s instructors... more ›
Website: The Innovative Library Classroom 2022 Conference: Schedule | Full Program Coming into the 2021 – 2022 academic year, when I started thinking about “Where shall I go for professional development? Which conferences do I want to present at?”, I was torn between in-person and online conferences. To be completely transparent, my reactions to the... more ›