Inside ZSR

Ashelee at SAA

Ok, so just one more SAA recap. This one from the first-timer! I attended NCLA last fall and thought that would have been preparation enough for the joint COSA, NAGARA, SAA conference. Alas, it was not! So many faces; so many sessions! Who do I talk to? What do I say? Where do I go?... more

Book Repair Workshop at East Carolina University

I traveled to Greenville on September 20th for a workshop the following day. As I traveled, I could see lots of flooded land and businesses. The flooding from Hurricane Florence made a huge impact in this area and affected this area strongly. Some workshop participants were unable to attend because of the impact of Florence... more

An Introduction to Special Collections & Archives

With the start of a new school year, we frequently hear: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact first?” The first, best place to start is, your go-to for anything e-mail and for referring reference questions, faculty requesting instruction for classes, or donations. Messages sent to this... more

Tanya at SAA

While it is hard to condense both a year and a week into a blog post, I will certainly try my best. Serving as President of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) over the past year has certainly been a tremendous experience, both personally and professionally. I had to deal with a multitude of issues... more

Stephanie at SAA 2018

I know y’all are ready for another SAA roundup!!! SAA in DC always has a lot of energy around it and people at it, due at least in part to it being a joint meeting with the Council of State Archivists (COSA) and the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA). This year... more

Heather at SAA 2018

One of the joys of attending the Society of American Archivists conference is the chance to experience a wide range of interesting and well-planned sessions on anything from data wrangling to transparency in managing the records of refugees. I particularly appreciated the chance to wander through the many posters, which provide a slower pace for perusing... more

Rebecca at SAA 2018

Another SAA Annual meeting is in the books, and I am here to give you a brief roundup of the highlights of my conference. First of all, I saw the hit musical Hamilton at the Kennedy Center. This was not part of the conference, but I get a good reaction when I tell people about... more

Tim at SAA 2018

The annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists in Washington, D.C., was a special meeting for me this year. It was my first annual meeting since serving on SAA Council (the society’s governance board) which meant I was free of committee meetings and could actually chose what I wanted to attend! It was also... more

Rebecca at the Archives Leadership Institute in Berea, Kentucky

You may know a thing or two about the Archives Leadership Institute (ALI) from Tanya’s blog post, but I want to summarize my experience for you as best I can. First of all, the road to ALI for me was long a windy in more ways than one! I applied to ALI multiple times and... more

Jeff at ALA Annual 2018

This post is on the late side, but there are good-ish reasons for that. I vacationed! Then I was sick! Yet I am embarrassed about my tardiness. Having a family and a body are insufficient excuses for professional negligence. I lived in New Orleans for seven years prior to joining the team at ZSR, so... more