Maximizing Inclusivity and Minimizing Apathy (MIMA) @ WFU On Thursday, June 28th and Friday, June 29th attended Wake Forest’s 2nd Biennial institute on Maximizing Inclusivity and Minimizing Apathy (MIMA). This is a two-day long workshop put on by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. While the previous MIMA institute was geared towards faculty and developing... more ›
This past June, NASIG held its 33rd Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I was a “road dog” with Steve for the weekend conference, which as always offered unique programming as it pertained to continuing resources. The takeaways from the conference were numerous, and I grouped them into the following categories. Vision Sessions. The Vision Sessions... more ›
Despite the sweltering summer heat of New Orleans, I had a great time at ALA Annual 2018. In addition to attending conference programs, I enjoyed the wonderful cuisine for which the city is known, reconnected with former colleagues who have moved on to other universities, and attended events that celebrated and honored my former (Wanda... more ›
For the final year, I attended the Archives Leadership Institute as a Steering Committee member. The Steering Committee consists of archivists (Rachel Vagts, ALI Director) from Berea College as well as representatives from New York (Geof Huth), Massachusetts (Beth Myers), Ohio (Dan Noonan), Oregon (Terry Baxter), Virginia (Brenda Gunn), and North Carolina (Tanya). Funded by... more ›
I hadn’t been to New Orleans in several years, so it was fun to be back in the city! I just want to share a few highlights from the programs I attended. ALA this year for me was mostly about events and activities with the RUSA History Section. We started off with our all-committee meeting... more ›
The kickoff for ALA was the aforementioned Michelle Obama opening session. The line to get into seeing her speech was exceedingly long, (so much so that we feared getting a seat in the 9000 seat auditorium) but what really surprised me was the relatively light security. Her conversation, as was already mentioned, was her very personal... more ›
I have three major takeaways to share from the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. I’ll give the headline versions and then add more detail below, if you’re still interested: 1) As far as the Library of Congress is concerned, BIBFRAME is definitely going to replace MARC. Eventually. 2) A lot of libraries are... more ›
I always enjoy visiting New Orleans, even with a forecast of 90+ degree temperatures. This was my fifth visit to the city (all WFU-related trips), but this time was special because I believe this was my final ALA conference. I completed my 3-year commitment to LITA (Library and Information Technology Association) as director-at-large and, with... more ›
Important takeaways from ALA in New Orleans: The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center is not a mile long. It is, however, almost exactly one kilometer long, or 5 furlongs, or about 1200 steps. Naturally, ALA’s meetings were divided between the two ends. You can spend three enjoyable days in New Orleans without setting foot on... more ›
Here is a 1.5 page list of random items (in chronological order). I’m happy to talk in more detail with anyone who wants to know more about anything I learned (or pushed)! At the opening and closing sessions, officers of the ALA were introduced, including Wanda Brown as president-elect. Photos are courtesy of UNC-G classmate... more ›