
Inside ZSR

Morgan Goes to SLA

The last “hurrah” of my professional summer was to attend the Special Libraries Association’s (SLA) annual conference, which happened to be in-person (as well as virtual) in Charlotte this year, July 31st – August 2nd. I’m a relative newcomer to this conference and organization. I know several corporate and business/finance librarians who are very active... more

Evidence Synthesis Institute (Kathy and Hu)

Last week we spent 16 hours on Zoom participating in the fourth Evidence Synthesis Institute cohort. The Evidence Synthesis Institute is aimed at library staff supporting evidence syntheses outside of the health sciences and is fully funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. There is no charge for accepted applicants. The institute’s instructors... more

Carolyn and Lauren at ALA Annual Conference 2022, Virtually

Carolyn’s and Lauren’s “Digital Experience” of ALA Annual has juicy news like Hoopla controversy, augmented reality with archival materials, attention to indigenous groups, comics librarianship, and equitable ebook access. EDI was a theme throughout the conference. Numerous last minute panelist substitutions took place due to COVID-19. On Saturday June 25th, in the update from the... more

Carol at ER&L 2022

Gotta say, I loved the virtual conference format, especially for the asynchronous presentations. By spreading out my viewing over three weeks, I could watch almost all the presentations instead of having to choose from concurrent sessions. I watched most of them at 1.4 speed and bailed on any presentation I deemed irrelevant. Some themes: Are... more

Lauren at ER&L 2022, virtually

The greatest value in attending this online conference for me was feeling connected again to what is going on “out there” in libraryland, particularly in working on e-resources. Even though it was mostly at a detailed and practical level, there were some sessions that helped me see a broader picture. The Content A lot of... more

Morgan & Summer @ USASBE 2022

Summer – Boardgames, Data, and more! This January, Morgan and I went to NC State’s campus to attend the United States Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference. We both experienced NC State’s campus for the first time and were even able to meet up with our fellow BLINC member from NC State, in-person,... more

Morgan at Charleston 2021

This was my first year attending Charleston Conference, a conference I’ve heard a lot about and was eager to experience. Part of me wishes I had had the opportunity to attend this hybrid conference pre-pandemic when it was a fully in-person experience. I overheard numerous attendees longing for the “old days” but, without anything to... more

The Concerning State of ALA – Special Report from ALA Annual Conference 2021

There will be action in Council on 6/28/2021, on changing ALA governance, which is raising concerns for some people (zoom to the bottom of this post for details). Of great concern to me right now, ALA is operating in the red and needs members and other revenue. Membership declined 9-10% each of the last two... more

DLF’s First Virtual Forum

This past November, the DLF Forum occurred virtually for the very first time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on a range of content related to digital library technologies, the main conference provided several hours of programming over the course of two days (November 9-10). Prior to the conference, I was selected as... more

Roz @ Charleston Conference

The Charleston Conference is one of my very favorite conferences and this year did not disappoint. But as we did have 5 ZSR folks attending,  I’ll keep my comments to things I think I attended that others did not, so we don’t all repeat the same info about the same sessions. Vendor Interaction: I find... more