During August 2017

Inside ZSR

Rebecca at SAA 2017

To echo Stephanie and Tanya, SAA was in Portland, Oregon last week, and I too made the trek west. I did not make it to SAA last year, so it has been a while since I attended SAA. To add to the excitement, I brought along my husband and my one year old! We spent... more

TALA Information Literacy, Instruction, & Assessment Meeting

On Friday, August 7th, TALA held an assessment meeting sponsored by Guilford College. This was the perfect time of year to re-focus on assessment, so five librarians from ZSR took advantage of the opportunity to hear campus updates, hear colleagues from  GTCC, UNCG, NC A&T, Guilford and Elon give lightning talks on recent projects, and... more

Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon

I recently returned from the week-long meeting of the Society of American Archivists meeting in Portland, Oregon. As Stephanie recently noted, this was not only our largest West Coast meeting, it was our 2nd highest attended meeting ever. All in all, it was a busy week in beautiful Oregon. The majority of my time was... more

SB at SAA 2017

The Society of American Archivists’ annual meeting has come and gone! This year’s meeting was different from past meetings: it was held in a mid-tier market, Portland, Oregon, as opposed to a huge one (last year was Atlanta, next year is DC); it was also the second-largest meeting in SAA history, with a bit over... more