By Lauren Pressley

Inside ZSR

learning commons

Demonstration: The Learning Commons: Creating and Sustaining a Student-Focused Learning Space (Joe Williams, Janelle Joseph) Background Learning Commons: social, friendly, inviting, support learning Access to resources, images, ideas, inspiration, research support, productivity support (applications, etc), as well as social components Renovation of East Wing Involved students, faculty, staff Floor plan You can see the PowerPoint... more

student production of multimedia learning solutions

Panel discussion: Tapping Student Resources to Produce Multimedia Learning Solutions (Amanda Robertson, Mike Cuales, David Howard, Ben Huckaby, David Shew) Explained development of DELTA Recognition of top design students, hired them Have 9 interns, treat as part-time staff, to support multimedia solutions for professors Commit to good training for students in areas they want Creative... more

staying ahead of the curve

Plenary session: Staying Ahead of the Curve: The Open Croquet Consortium, (Marilyn Lombardi) “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay What is the future of online education we want? Where is your teenager now? Harbinger of social change Pass around ideas like social items Multitasking Online socialization Participatory... more

evidence-based support for student-created learning objects

Formal presentation: Promoting Higher-Level Processing: Evidence-Based Support for Student-Created Digital Learning Objects (Robert Crow) Test to see if elaboration is working Can learn through different modes: image, text, etc, Learning Objects Any entity, digital or non-digital which can be used, reused, or referneced… Deliverable over internet Merlot used eSkeletons as an example Based on Elaboration... more

online instruction

Formal presentation: Effective Practices for Online Instruction (Laura Rogers) Focus on constructivist principles Want a lot of interactive, thoughtful conversations, thinking transformed through interaction ePedagogy interest group in TLT maybe an eLearning coach for faculty? Demo-ed Second Life more

student culture and academic computing competencies

Formal presentation: MySpace or Yours? Building Connections Between Student Computing Culture and Academic Computing Competencies (Bob King) Problem: disconnect between student computing culture & what we want students to do with the computer We know they’re doing something Learning builds on what we already know, must connect to existing knowledge When students come into academic... more

computer-based learning

Formal presentation: What Can Students Learn from Computer-Based Training? (Tammala Bulger, Dana Ward) Supplemental online activities that allow printing certificates of completion Sometimes this is used in face-to-face classes Using SkillSoft’s SkillPort Books 24/7 What can students learn from CBT Gives tech skills to students and certificates that can prove skills for internships Blended Learning... more

blended learning

Formal presentation: A Primer on Blended Learning (Donna Petherbridge, Traci Temple) Very much an overview, but a nice general session Student characteristics Demand we-based ed, prefer some tech, expect faculty to use some tech Net Gen & Millennials (lumped together when comes to interest in online learning) Web interactions have lead to an expectation for... more

online teaching strategies

Demonstration: New Online Teaching Strategies: Bringing Theory to Life for More Effective Learning (Robert Brown, Nora Reynolds, Scott Brewster) Production office that creates online materials (learning objects), collaborating with faculty Whole staff that develops these learning objects Some students in the office, tell what’s dull and what’s not Want faculty to stay on top of... more

active learning in the library

Demonstration: Active Learning in the Library: The Library Is Not Just for Books Presenters: Cotina Jones, Phyllistine Poole, Julie Dornberger, Carl Leak, Chris Screen Instruction team includes both librarians and webmasters Realized a need for new types of library instruction Blackboard, active learning templates, gaming, and vodcasting Blackboard A place to house the projects Liked:... more