By Tanya Zanish-Belcher

Inside ZSR

Tanya at Best Practices Exchange (Columbus, Ohio)

For the first time ever, I attended the Best Practices Exchange, held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library in downtown Columbus. The BPE is considered an ‘un’conference—usually an informal gathering of practitioners who primarily work on “managing, preserving, and providing access to digital information.” My favorite part is that the sessions are very real-world oriented, with... more

Tanya at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Several weeks ago, I had the honor of being invited to speak as a Visiting Scholar for the University of Nebraska Libraries in Lincoln, Nebraska. In addition to speaking about academic freedom and the connection with archives, I also participated in a roundtable discussion relating to university yearbooks. We discussed how access to offensive images... more


The Society of North Carolina Archivists held its annual meeting two weeks ago at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington campus. A ZSR contingent attended the meeting, where the overall theme was Interdisciplinary Archives and Interprofessional Collaboration. Their stories are below and a longer blog post from Ashelee is forthcoming! Heather @SNCA One of the best... more

Tanya at Moore Magnet ES’s Amazing Shake

In early November, I had the opportunity to participate in Moore Magnet Elementary School’s Amazing Shake competition. Organized by principal Adam Dovico (who has implemented other changes), the event offers 5th graders the opportunity to meet with local professionals and practice their self-introduction and conversation skills. This is a fast-paced social skills contest that puts... more

An Introduction to Special Collections & Archives

With the start of a new school year, we frequently hear: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact first?” The first, best place to start is, your go-to for anything e-mail and for referring reference questions, faculty requesting instruction for classes, or donations. Messages sent to this... more

Tanya at SAA

While it is hard to condense both a year and a week into a blog post, I will certainly try my best. Serving as President of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) over the past year has certainly been a tremendous experience, both personally and professionally. I had to deal with a multitude of issues... more

Tanya at the Final Archives Leadership Institute, Berea (KY)

For the final year, I attended the Archives Leadership Institute as a Steering Committee member. The Steering Committee consists of archivists (Rachel Vagts, ALI Director) from Berea College as well as representatives from New York (Geof Huth), Massachusetts (Beth Myers), Ohio (Dan Noonan), Oregon (Terry Baxter), Virginia (Brenda Gunn), and North Carolina (Tanya). Funded by... more

Society of Ohio Archivists, Columbus-Ohio

I was invited to give the keynote presentation at the 50th anniversary of the Society of Ohio Archivists annual meeting which was held last week in Columbus. As a native of Ohio and graduate of Wright State University’s Public History Program, I was pleased to return as President of the Society of American Archivists. My... more

International Council on Archives–Mexico City, Mexico

The week after Thanksgiving, I was invited to speak at the International Council on Archives annual meeting in Mexico City, held jointly with the Asociación Latinoamericana de Archivos. The conference sessions were interesting (conducted in English, Spanish, and French with translation), and Mexico City was a fascinating and noisy mix of 22 million people, their... more

Tanya at NCLA

I attended the NCLA meeting this week; chairing a panel on Wednesday, attending sessions and the Ogilvie Keynote with Dr. Jon Gant, and perusing the numerous vendors.  Our Wednesday session “Special Collections Instruction: Engagement Beyond an Introduction” included Chrystal Carpenter (Elon University), Ellen Daugman (ZSR), Erin Lawrimore (UNCG), and Megan Mulder (ZSR). For my part,... more