Friday, June 24th, was the annual alumni admissions forum! We saw alumni bringing potential students to tour all parts of campus! While a tour of ZSR might not seem blog-worthy, today’s tour turned into an impromptu party in the 24-hour room (for about 15 minutes!) Joy Gambill led a wonderful tour for a dozen individuals... more ›
The Smithsonian Museum of American History hosted the third ACCelerate Festival on April 8-10. The festival is “a celebration of creative exploration and innovative research happening at the intersection of science, engineering, arts, and design from across the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and the Smithsonian Institution.” ZSR Dean, Tim Pyatt, has led the WFU... more ›
The scite trial will start today and run through Wednesday, May 11th. You can use scite search and report features without creating an account and logging in. However, to create a custom dashboard, create a notification, save a search, or utilize the reference check features, an account will be needed. NOTE: Access to scite is... more ›
It’s the first Thursday in May, and that makes it World Password Day! Here are some fun ways to celebrate: Check your email address at Have I Been Pwned. If you’ve got an account on a site that has been hacked (and you probably do), this will tell you about it. Change a couple of... more ›
Almost always, the object itself requires me to customize the enclosure I make for it. The size, shape, fragility or potential use all come into play. This post highlights a few recent enclosures I’ve made and are still working on……………….from home. The size and shape definitely were considered for this football, generously donated by Jodi... more ›
It’s March, 2020, and I’m home. When can I safely go back to work again? This question reverberated in my brain, and I’m sure the brains of all of my colleagues at ZSR Library. Slowly, I began to wonder how and if I could do my work, which is primarily, hand work. As this idea... more ›
WHEW! What a semester! Along with the rest of the WFU community, ZSR librarians and staff had to make a pretty fast pivot to remote services, teaching, and learning in March of 2020. Not only were we moving our own courses (6 sections of LIB100, 1 section of LIB200, 2 FYS courses and 1 English... more ›
Ah, Spring Break! Time to………….teach workshops! I had the pleasure of teaching two book repair workshops in collaboration with the State Library of North Carolina (NCDNCR) On Monday, March 9th, I taught a workshop at the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield in Smithfield, NC. The attendees were from public libraries in the surrounding... more ›
This was my first time attending ALA Midwinter, and probably my last, based on the discussions of upcoming changes to the Midwinter format. I attended the conference in my capacity as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of the RUSA History Section, since only one other member (the Secretary) of the HS Executive Board was able to attend (and I... more ›
Our Alma Day kickoff event happened this week, and we’re working to post videos for the four great presentations. While that’s in the pipeline, I wanted to make everyone aware of some major dates related to the migration, and touch on what those dates will mean for everyone in the library. Our migration team has... more ›