Inside ZSR

Fall ASERL Meeting

My favorite meetings each fall and spring are the ASERL membership meetings. It is a chance for library deans and directors from the southeast to gather, exchange information, and  learn from each other. While this organization provides many benefits to ZSR ranging from resource sharing to professional development webinars, it is also the group that... more

Leslie at SEMLA, OLAC, NASIG (virtually)

I think a number of us have discovered one silver lining to a pandemic: the opportunity to take in additional professional-development events as they converted to a virtual format this year. For my part, I virtually attended conferences of my regional music library association, SEMLA, and a couple of other organizations that I’ve indirectly benefited... more

What Can CommComm Do For You?

The Communications Committee (CommComm) would like to remind you of who we are, what we do, and most importantly how we can help you communicate to your intended audience. Communication is more important than ever during these times. We are committed to providing our resources and assistance to anyone who might need it. Communications Committee... more

Preserving Muscle Memory During Quarantine

How does one, who primarily performs hand work in their job, keep their fingers nimble during a quarantine? For me it was taking a series of 10 book making workshops. The workshops were taught remotely through the Book Arts Program at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah. The university has had a Book... more

ZSR Pivots to Online: Spring 2020 in Review

WHEW! What a semester! Along with the rest of the WFU community, ZSR librarians and staff had to make a pretty fast pivot to remote services, teaching, and learning in March of 2020. Not only were we moving our own courses (6 sections of LIB100, 1 section of LIB200, 2 FYS courses and 1 English... more

Going Public Online Conference

On Thursday, March 26th, Heather and Molly attended the half-day online conference, Going Public: Opening Scholarship to All, hosted by the University of Washington. Although the primary audience was UW librarians and researchers, the conference was open to anyone who wished to participate. Despite the shift to Zoom (which allowed us to participate, happily), the... more

Spring Book Repair Workshops: Preservation on the Road

Ah, Spring Break! Time to………….teach workshops! I had the pleasure of teaching two book repair workshops in collaboration with the State Library of North Carolina (NCDNCR) On Monday, March 9th, I taught a workshop at the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield in Smithfield, NC. The attendees were from public libraries in the surrounding... more

Hu at the First-Year Experience Conference 2020 in DC! (and a quick visit to Wake Washington!)

As part of my professional development, I try to alternate between the ACRL and FYE conferences. Both are always amazing, and this year I attended the First-Year Experience conference in Washington D. C. (held at the historic Wardman Park Marriott.) In addition to attending a great conference, I also had the opportunity to join Roz... more

Behind the Scenes: Blind-Date-with-a-Book

Occasionally we receive questions and interest from other librarians regarding our Blind-Date-with-a-Book (BDWAB) program, so I wanted to take an opportunity to share our program model and bring attention to all of the work that happens behind the scenes for this fun event. Collecting the Books Typically, we offer two BDWAB programs during the academic... more

Alma/Primo Migration Update, Feb. 28

What’s Past Is Prologue A quick catch-up on the Alma/Primo migration, for those of you who aren’t hip-deep in it every day. February marked the end of our onboarding process and the start of our implementation process. In other words, we are done getting ready to get ready, and now we are getting ready. As... more