This is my first conference since WFU signed up to migrate to Alma, and I hit the Ex Libris events as much as possible. Two important features to highlight right away: they are working peer-to-peer real time support in Alma with a network of available, self-identified experts (this is library folks helping library folks –... more ›
The Atla Annual Conference was held in beautiful Vancouver, BC, June 12-15 this year. We had wonderful weather for the whole conference and it was also a fun sports week to be in Canada, with the Stanley Cup Finals, Toronto winning the NBA Finals, and the Canadian Football League season starting (Canadian football is…different!)! Vancouver... more ›
Within two weeks in late May and early June, I attended an alphabet soup of two meetings: CUP NALAB in NYC and UIPO in ATL. I promise that we did not conduct all of our business in acronyms and initialisms, although as librarians, we did rely on our insider jargon. Below are highlights from both... more ›
Last week I attended the spring meeting of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries. Always my favorite meeting, this was one of the best I have attended for reasons I will outline below. We met in Reston, VA, which if you have not been there, you do not need to add it to your must... more ›
It has been several years since I have written a LOEX Conference reflection without co-authors, and I will begin by saying that I seriously missed having other ZSR Instruction Librarians with me at this conference! LOEX is the premier information literacy conference for librarians, and this year’s conference was a another stellar experience. The theme... more ›
As Preservation Librarian, my work in the Preservation Lab and as part of Special Collections & Archives, covers a wide variety of work. I thought I would share my statistics as an annual report, which details my work in ZSR Library for FY 2018-2019. 763 Book Repairs (General Collections) 28 Book Repairs (Special Collections) 593... more ›
The 6th Annual TALA Paraprofessional Conference was held on May 14, 2019 at Winston-Salem State University. Here are some thoughts from some of the attendees from the Z. Smith Reynolds Library: One session that I enjoyed from the TALA conference was on Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace which was led by Sharon Hill of Winston... more ›
I attended the 6th Annual TALA Paraprofessional Conference held at Winston-Salem State University on Tuesday, May 14th. It was a day full of laughter, learning, and networking from the beginning of the conference at the registration table till the time I walked back to my car. I’ve highlighted key moments from the conference below: Wanda... more ›
For the first time ever, I attended the Best Practices Exchange, held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library in downtown Columbus. The BPE is considered an ‘un’conference—usually an informal gathering of practitioners who primarily work on “managing, preserving, and providing access to digital information.” My favorite part is that the sessions are very real-world oriented, with... more ›
I will confess that the Spring Spring STEM-LINC Workshop last Friday brought out my inner child. It was held in Raleigh, North Carolina at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. The museum has two separate buildings connected by a walk-way on separate floors. We spent the majority of the morning in the Nature Research Center... more ›