Inside ZSR

Carrie at the 2019 MLA Convention

In January, I traveled to Chicago for the Modern Language Association Annual Convention. My presentation, “Language and Labor in the Digital Humanities,” was part of the Association of Computers and the Humanities session, “Transacting DH: Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities of Collaboration.” The panel was chaired by Lisa Rhody (CUNY), and the panelists included Kathleen Fitzpatrick... more

ER&L 2019

Dear Austin, One of the reasons I love seeing you is your consistently warm and sunny disposition. However, you surprised me this year with temperatures in the 40s/20s. You were sunny so we’re still on good terms. The Electronic Resources and Libraries conference was held March 3-6. As usual, there’s something for everyone who works with... more

Kevin at Designing for Digital 2019

In early March, I attended my second Designing for Digital virtual conference. Session topics ranged from conducting library space assessments to encouraging open and affordable course content, from tackling wicked problems to advocating for better internal UX. A few comments stood out: like one when, during some UX testing, a student said a library’s general... more

ZSR at WISE 2019

A couple of weeks ago, several Z. Smith Reynolds Library faculty and staff had the opportunity to attend the WISE Conference held at the beautiful Benton Convention Center February 14-15, 2019 in downtown Winston-Salem. WISE is an acronym for “Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement Workshop” which is “the pioneering conference for faculty leaders, program coordinators,... more

Heather and Jess at the Sustaining DH Institute

Can a website achieve immortality? How can contemporary researchers ensure that archival manuscripts documenting Venetian elections find new digital audiences? The original rulers of 14th century Venice, Italy,  never foresaw that 21st-century scholars might be interested in examining their social networks and election results, but manuscripts that document hundreds of electoral contests among the wealthy... more

Preservation Students Lab Training- Sydney Comstock

I thought it would be good to have my students write about their training experiences in Preservation. Each student receives a variety of training experiences in Preservation, and each one brings a unique set of skills as well. I have asked each of my Student Assistants to write about their training. These students do great... more

New Year, New Search: Big News from the UX Committee

As many of you know, the User Experience (UX) Committee has been hard at work updating our default search results page to make it easier for people to discover what’s available at ZSR Library. We’ve tested the new experience with students, and it’s a hit! The new page will go live on Wednesday, with a... more

Tim at ASERL and CNI

I’m behind on my blog posts! I attended two of my favorite meetings in the last few weeks. First I was in Atlanta for the fall meeting of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries. We started with an ASERL Board meeting on November 28th (I am ASERL’s Secretary/Treasurer) with the regular meeting on the 29th... more

Library Assessment Conference

The first week of December found me down in Houston for the Library Assessment Conference. Held biennially, this was my first time attending LAC – along with many, many others – and my first time in Houston. As I was attending on behalf of the Assessment Committee, I went to sessions that covered the breadth... more

2018 NCLA Leadership Institute in Black Mountain

Earlier this month I attended the NCLA Leadership Institute in Black Mountain, NC, from November 7-10. I applied to participate, and was selected by the planning committee back in May. The four-day program included a total of 24 library professionals from across the state who were chosen for the 2018 cohort. The 2018 cohort primarily... more