By Molly Keener

Inside ZSR

Molly at ACRL

It was great to be back at an ACRL Conference after an 8 year hiatus. I repeatedly wondered why I let myself miss the past three conferences as I reconnected with colleagues and friends from elsewhere, attended thought-provoking sessions, and enjoyed exploring a new-to-me city. The energy and excitement of a *big* conference are rejuvenating... more

Molly at the NC Serials Conference

Last Monday, April 1, found me experiencing something new! I attended the NC Serials Conference in Chapel Hill, where I gave the closing keynote. When invited last fall, my initial reaction was, “who me?!”, but with Chris Burris’s and Steve Kelley’s welcome encouragement, I accepted. It was fun, and challenging, to prep a talk that... more

Library Assessment Conference

The first week of December found me down in Houston for the Library Assessment Conference. Held biennially, this was my first time attending LAC – along with many, many others – and my first time in Houston. As I was attending on behalf of the Assessment Committee, I went to sessions that covered the breadth... more

Molly at UIPO, LMSI, and Kraemer (all in a month!)

Between May 8th and June 7th, I traveled three times for work: my annual intellectual property officers conference, a library leadership workshop, and a copyright conference. My trusty little suitcase, bright yellow backpack, and I traveled to The Ohio State University, Yale University, and University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Rather than write three separate blog... more

Molly’s April Intersections

April found me participating in two scholarly communication meetings that were focused on intersections: OER+Scholarly Communication, a grant-funded project to begin work on an all-about-scholcomm OER for LIS programs, hosted by NCSU at the Hunt Library in Raleigh on April 8 & 9; and the ACRL Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy Road Show,... more

Copyright, Digital Initiatives, Publishing, & More Copyright

Or, Molly’s spring travels across 4 months, 4 gatherings, 4 states, 3 time zones, 6 airports, 10 flights, and 9 nights in hotels. March – UIPO Annual Meeting Each year, members of a select group of copyright and intellectual property librarians gather to spend 2-3 days geeking out over all things copyright. Unofficially known as... more

ZSR goes to a non-library conference (surprise!)

Long ago, in a land far, far away… Wait, no, that’s not right. [ahem, trying again…] Last month (yet nearly two full months ago now), the 2017 Teachers, Teaching, and Media Conference was held at Wake Forest University, on March 2-4, and brought together approximately 100 education, communication, and media studies scholars, as well as... more

Molly at the 2016 Charleston Conference

For the third year in a row, early November found me enjoying several days in Charleston, SC, while attending the Charleston Conference. This year, however, my conference travel was extended, as I also attended the inaugural meeting of the Cambridge University Press North American Advisory Board prior to the Charleston Conference, so I had six... more

Molly in Cambridge for Copyright

Last week I escaped the extreme heat of NC for the gorgeous weather of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to attend a two-day meeting about all things copyright. This was my second year attending this small, intimate gathering of copyright experts from across the U.S., and I loved it. Our group operates under the Chatham House Rule, so... more

41 hours, 6 hugs, and 1 hotel; or, Molly at Midwinter (sorta)

Last week, I made what might be the shortest ALA Midwinter trip in ZSR’s history; it certainly was in mine! I was away from home a total of 41 hours, and in Boston for only 32. But I packed a lot into my up-and-back trip, including several meet-ups with librarian friends (hence the hugs count),... more