By Jeff Eller

Inside ZSR

Midwinter 2016: A False Memoir?

This year’s Midwinter was a bit unusual for me in that I didn’t find as many programs of obvious interest as I usually do, which led to my attending some sessions that I normally wouldn’t have. About this I have no complaints. It was fun, as was this outdoor section of the Brattle Book Shop... more

Charleston 2015

Unseasonably warm weather, severely overcrowded rooms, and as many varieties of head cold as there are attendees: the Charleston Conference might not be for everyone. You have to really like acquisitions. Which, fortunately, some of us do. James O’Donnell, Arizona State’s University Librarian (and a Classicist) gave a keynote-style talk about the need for libraries... more

ALA 2015

In case I’d been longing for parades (turns out I had), a confluence of well-known events made the 2015 ALA Annual Conference the perfect place to be. How do New Orleans and San Francisco parades compare, you ask? San Francisco parades involve less alcohol; more illegal-smelling smoke; smaller floats; fewer thrown objects; and more daytime... more

Jeff and Monesha at the 2015 Meeting of the NCICU Purchasing Committee

On 5/19/15, Monesha and I attended the annual meeting of the NCICU Purchasing Committee, held this year at Wingate University in Wingate, NC. First, Lisa Larson from LYRASIS talked about some of her organization’s activities, with special emphasis on its involvement with Open Access initiatives. LYRASIS has partnered with libraries on several major OA projects... more

Jeff at LAUNC-CH 2015

On March 13, 2015 I traveled with Steve Kelley to the annual LAUNC-CH Conference in Chapel Hill. Unlike Leslie, Ellen, and Kaeley, I did so without the stress of a presentation engagement. What followed was a fairly relaxing day of programming. (Not wanting to add to anyone’s jitters, I opted not to watch my colleagues’... more


It was good to visit my home state of Illinois for ALA Midwinter 2015 in Chicago. I was able to get together with a few cousins with whom I was close growing up in Decatur, three hours south. And who doesn’t like 18 inches of snow? Somehow the weather didn’t actually interfere too much with... more

The Ellers Visit the In-Laws; Charleston 2014

Eleven-day-old daughter and sleep-deprived wife in tow, I attended the 2014 Charleston Conference flying arguably in the face of reason. I had the advantage of a free place to stay: my parents-in-law live out on James Island, a 15-minute drive to the Francis Marion Hotel where the conference is held. Given this fact and the... more

Reduced to Space Debris at ALA

ALA 2014, Las Vegas: I have never experienced heat like that in my life. A stroll down the street felt like reentry into the atmosphere; except in reverse, in that you are exiting terra firma in favor of somewhere surreal and inhospitable to human life…yet oddly fascinating. ALA 2014 will remain memorable for me on... more

NCICU Library Purchasing Committee Meeting 2014

On May 14, 2014 a large (possibly unprecedentedly so) contingent of ZSR Resource Services folk traveled to the annual NCICU Library Purchasing Committee Meeting in Buies Creek, NC, hosted by Campbell University. Chris, Derrik, Lauren, Linda, Monesha, and myself made the two-hour drive in the library van for a day of vendor presentations and panel... more

Jeff at 2014 NC Serials Conference

On March 14, 2014 I attended the 23rd Annual North Carolina Serials Conference in Chapel Hill, having carpooled with Derrik, Chris, and Steve, and meeting Carol and Ellen there. In addition to these worthy colleagues I actually ran into someone whom I know from App State. This was my first un-orchestrated North Carolina librarian encounter.... more