By Tim Pyatt

Inside ZSR

Talking Special Collections North of the Border

On May 11th I participated in a colloquium at McGill University called “Kick-Starting ROAAr and More: Towards the Future.” ROAAr is the special collections library at McGill, recently formed out of four formerly separate units — Rare and Special Collections, Osler History of Medicine, Art, and Archives. The goal of the colloquium was to have the ROAAr staff... more

Tim at Fall 2017 NCICU meeting

The North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) Library directors met at Guildford College on Dec. 19th. For private college and university libraries, NCICU is the organization through which we negotiate our participation in NC Live. NCICU also plays an important role in advocating for private colleges and universities and helps us lobby the NC... more

ASERL in Miami

Last week I was able to spend several days in beautiful Miami for the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries fall meeting. The city is still recovering from hurricane damage, although things looked surprising good with most services in place. While I still consider myself a “new dean,” I co-hosted a dinner for new deans to... more

Tim at ACCelerate

First I need to explain what ACCelerate was — it was the first Atlantic Coast Conference (hence the ACC) Festival of Innovation and Creativity. The ideas was for the ACC schools to showcase their academic excellence using the athletic conference framework. The Smithsonian’s Museum of American History hosted 48 exhibits from the 15 universities as... more

Tim, Susan, and Chris at NCLA

On Wednesday, Oct. 18th I attended the NCLA biennial meeting at the newly renovated Benton Convention Center. It was great to see colleagues from across the state as well as a great group from ZSR present. I enjoyed the opening keynote, which focused on how we tell the story of our library and its programs,... more

Tim at ASERL

The spring meeting of the Association of Southeast Research Libraries was held in Charleston on June 1-2. I arrived on May 31st in time to hold a Wake Community Event at the Liberty Tap Room in Mt. Pleasant (next to Charleston).  Ten former Deacs and friends got an update on what is happening at Wake... more

ZSR Mission Statement Update

The Mission Statement Task Force chair, Mary Scanlon, shared the group’s report at the May Administrative Council meeting. The report consisted of the Task Force’s revised and updated mission and values statement for ZSR. The Council had some questions and suggestions and the Task Force updated their draft, which is shared below. Mission: Our mission... more

Tim at NCICU

My last library trip of the year was to attend the North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities (NCICU) Library Directors meeting at High Point University on Dec. 16th. I had not been to HPU since I was in high school and was amazed by all of the growth and new buildings. Even more amazing (and... more

Tim at CNI

I attended the Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) meeting in Washington, D.C. on December 12 and 13.  This trip offered a novel experience — my hotel caught fire early on Tuesday morning and we were evacuated at 4:30 am. Eight fire trucks later, the small laundry fire was put out and we were allowed to... more

Tim at ASERL

The period of December 8th through the 16th represents one of the busiest times in my 17 month Wake Forest career. During that span I attended three of our member organization meetings, held three ZSR donor events, and meet with our architects. I’m looking forward to the holiday break! The first of these meetings was... more