By Hu Womack

Inside ZSR

Embedded Librarians and the LENS Program

This is the fifth year of the LENS (Learn, Experience, Navigate, and Solve) program at Wake Forest, and librarians from ZSR have been embedded in the program since the first year! Each year the program as grown, but this year the number of students increased from 35 to 51, requiring the students to split into... more

Hu’s Wrap-Up of ALA 2014

Clearly I’m still in search of a catchy title for these posts! On Saturday at ALA, I had a chance to meet with our contact at Media Education Foundation, (MEF) Alexandra Peterson. We talked about creative solutions to market out new streaming titles from MEF. You can check out our new streaming titles from MEF... more

ALA 2014 according to Hu….(I can’t think of a catchy title for this.)

I know, I know, it’s Vegas, and I should have a catchy title for this post. Alas no catchy title, but hopefully some good content! Friday started with a 6am run on the strip, followed by an online meeting about flipping my Lib210 class. (During this meeting I discovered that my iPhone hot spot and... more

Hu’s ALA 2013 Wrap-up

I spent ALA wearing two hats, my tech geek hat (which is a bit old and dusty) and my reference librarian hat (which is a much better fit these days!) Streaming the LITA Top Tech Trends and the LITA President’s Program gave me an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and dust off... more

Hu’s ALA 2013 (It’s all about LITA)

So maybe it was a little crazy getting to our hotel in the middle of a city-wide celebration, and maybe Susan, Carolyn and I looked a little strange wheeling our luggage through a sea of red shirts (and no shirts), but honestly, how often does crazy like that happen, and how often do you get... more

NCBIG Camp 2013

On Friday, May 31st, Joy Gambill, Kyle Denlinger, and I attended the NCBIG Camp 2013 at UNCG’s Jackson Library. The North Carolina Bibliographic Instruction Group (NCBIG) is an NCLA discussion group, and this “unconference” was designed to be a participant-driven event, with facilitators for each of the twelve session (three breakout sessions with four facilitated... more

ACRL: Assessment, THATCamp, and serving your LGBTQ community

Friday developed into two themes, “Assessment” and “THATCamp” (The Humanities and Technology Camp). Among other stops, I attended sessions on assessment, and joined in on “THATCamp” as they created the topics for the five units in the Information Literacy MOOC they were designing. The morning began with “Building a Culture of Assessment”. I’ve been thinking... more

ACRL: Off the beaten path

I don’t want to repeat the excellent posts of my colleagues, so I’m focusing on sessions that were small, yet very engaging! In the weeks leading up to ACRL I received emails looking for volunteers for an ACRL focus group and a Lexis/Nexis lunch session to help design a database interface. I jumped on these... more

SpringyCamp: November, 2012 – Focusing on User Experience: Understanding & Meeting User Needs

Springshare hosted a four hour webinar today, focusing on the user experience. Lauren Pressley, Kyle Denlinger and I participated in the first half of this multi-presentation webinar in the ZSR screening room. Springshare supplies ZSR with LibGuides and LibAnswers. The first presentation was by Chrissa Godbout, the Library and Information Technology Consultant at Mount Holyoke... more

LITA Nationa Forum 2012, Concurrent Sessions

Members of the LITA Forum Planning Committee also serve as moderators for the concurrent sessions. I chose to moderate the sessions that had not been claimed by other members of the planning committee, rather than choosing based on topic. This has served me well as I’ve found myself in some great sessions I probably would... more